Adding a network drive to an Apple/MAC Computer


This KB article covers adding or mapping the network drive(s) on an Apple/MAC computer and or laptop.


How to add (map) a network drive on a Mac:


Step 1: In the top menu bar click “Go” and then on the drop-down menu highlight and click on “Connect to server” (last selection on the list) as shown in screenshot below:

Step 2: The “Connect to server” window will pop up and in the box that is labeled “Server Address” enter the path to the network drive that you want to map as seen in the screenshot below.

Other example paths:



In this example we are mapping the “F” drive.

You should see a little window that says “Connecting to smb://” as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 3: After the drive connects you should see the drive open with all the contents (folders,files,etc) in a new window as shown below:

In order to have the mac connect to the drive automatically when you log in, we have to set it to “auto-mount.” In order to do this follow the following steps:

Step 1:  In the top menu bar click “Finder” and then on the drop-down menu highlight and click on “Preferences” (second selection on the list) as shown in screenshot below:

Step 2: In the “Finder Preferences” window, make sure that at least the “Connected Servers” checkbox is selected under “Show these items on the desktop” as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 3: You should now see the drive icon on your desktop in this example case again it is the “F” drive so it is labeled “public” as shown in the screenshot below:

Updated 22March17

