ITS Security Policy 000 – Scope Applicability


CCC engages with individuals and organizations in many varied capacities. These complex relationships can result in difficulty in accurately categorizing individuals. This document’s intent is to provide a standard list of terms that will be used throughout the ITS Security Policy documents and to avoid potential issues that could potentially arise due to the inconsistent use of the various terms.


Scope Applicability

CCC engages with individuals and organizations in many varied capacities. These complex relationships can result in difficulty in accurately categorizing individuals. This document’s intent is to provide a standard list of terms that will be used throughout the ITS Security Policy documents and to avoid potential issues that could potentially arise due to the inconsistent use of the various terms.


The term STAFF shall designate all individual entities that provide services for CCC whether paid or unpaid. This is inclusive of full-time and part-time classified employees, full-time faculty, associate faculty, unpaid instructors, volunteers, Federal Work Study employees, students in Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) programs, student government officers, tutors, interns, administrative staff, temporary employees and/or staff hired via a staffing agency, and partner organizations that provide community services using the technology resources owned and managed by CCC.


The term EMPLOYEE shall designate staff members that provide services for CCC in exchange for compensation. This is inclusive of full-time and part-time classified employees, full-time faculty, associate faculty, Federal Work Study employees, administrative staff, and temporary employees and/or staff hired via a staffing agency.


The term FACULTY shall designate paid and unpaid staff members that provide instructional services to CCC Students, CCC Staff, and the general public. This in inclusive of full-time faculty, associate faculty, unpaid instructors, volunteer instructors and partner organizations that provide community education services using the technology resources owned and managed by CCC. Faculty excludes guest lecturers and visiting instructors unless provisioned with a dedicated access credential to CCC technology resources.


The term STUDENT shall designate individuals that receive instructional services from CCC faculty. Various subsets of the STUDENT type are acknowledged, but as those designations do not align with the applicability of Cyber Security Policies the generic term shall be used throughout. If a policy needs to address a specific subset of students it shall be defined as needed within that policy.


The term GUEST shall designate individuals and entities that do not have a more formal relationship with CCC but are using and accessing CCC’s technological resources by invitation of a CCC staff member. Examples of GUEST include visiting faculty that require access to a podium/lectern and projector to present materials.

3rd Party Service Provider

The term 3rd Party Service Provider shall designate entities external of CCC that provide services to or on behalf of CCC. Within the context of cybersecurity policy, the term 3rd party service provider will primarily be concerned with vendors that are rendering services that require elevated levels of access to one or more CCC technology resources.  3rd Party Service Providers using CCC’s technological resources only in a manner equivalent to Guests or the Public may be considered as Guest or Public.


The term VISITOR shall designate a subset of the Public, and includes all individuals and entities not otherwise included in any other definition that have physical access to CCC facilities and technology resources located in publicly accessible locations of campus buildings. Visitors are distinct from Guests as Guests have been specifically invited to the campus and visitors do not require invitation.


The term PUBLIC shall designate all individuals and entities not fulfilling any of the above definitions and includes Visitors. The distinction between Public and Visitors is that the Visitors term applies to those individuals and entities that have a physical presence at a facility owned or operated by CCC and Public also includes individuals and entities that have logical access to the publicly facing technological resources owned and operated by CCC (public web site, social media pages, etc.)