Tenants of Quantitative Critical (QuantCrit) Research (2021)


The article presents the core principles of Quantitative Critical (QuantCrit) research, a field grounded in critical theory that addresses issues of racism, sexism, and classism within quantitative research methods. The authors, Ben Van Dusen and Jayson Nissen, synthesize various tenets of QuantCrit that challenge traditional quantitative methods and aim to reveal and dismantle systemic inequalities in educational data.

Main Takeaways:

  • Centrality of Oppression: QuantCrit assumes structural racism and sexism are embedded in U.S. systems, affecting educational outcomes. It focuses on identifying and dismantling these oppressive structures rather than blaming the individuals affected.
  • Non-neutrality of Data and Methods: QuantCrit recognizes that all data collection and analysis methods introduce biases and encourages researchers to explicitly address and minimize these biases.
  • Necessity for Context in Data Interpretation: Data cannot stand alone; interpretations must consider the systemic inequities that influence data outcomes, challenging the dominant perspectives that often lead to deficit narratives about minoritized groups.
  • Social Construction of Group Identities: QuantCrit views racial and gender identities as socially constructed rather than fixed, influencing how data aggregation should be approached to respect individuals’ identities.
  • Intersectionality: It emphasizes the importance of considering multiple, intersecting identities (e.g., race, gender) in research to fully understand the complex realities individuals face.
  • Importance of Narrative and Counter-Narrative: By valuing the lived experiences of minoritized individuals, QuantCrit incorporates these perspectives into research to challenge dominant narratives and better reflect diverse experiences.

