Corequisite Mathematics Toolkit: Tools and resources for the design and implementation of equitable and effective support courses (2021)


This comprehensive toolkit, developed by Connie Richardson from the Charles A. Dana Center, provides a detailed guide for postsecondary leaders on designing and implementing corequisite support courses in mathematics. Intended to improve equity and academic success, the toolkit is part of a series aiming to support students, particularly those who are marginalized or minoritized, in accessing and succeeding in gateway mathematics during their first year of college.

Main Takeaways:

  • Corequisite Supports: The toolkit emphasizes the importance of corequisite support models which allow students to enroll directly into college-level courses while receiving additional academic support.
  • Equity and Inclusion: A strong focus is placed on designing corequisites that are equity-minded, ensuring that all students, especially those from historically underserved backgrounds, can achieve high outcomes.
  • Implementation Guidance: Detailed tools and resources are provided to help institutions plan, implement, and continuously improve corequisite models. These include readiness assessments, equity analysis tools, and implementation timelines.
  • Design and Delivery Principles: The toolkit outlines specific principles for the effective design and delivery of corequisite mathematics supports, ensuring they are aligned with institutional goals for student success and equity.
  • Policy and Professional Development: It also covers policy considerations and provides extensive resources for professional development to support stakeholders involved in the implementation process.

