Global Protect VPN Download/Installation for Windows (Student Use Only)


***Before attempting to set up the VPN client, please make sure you have completed a TDX ITS Firewall service request for access.

Navigate to:

Select Information Technology/Submit an ITS Ticket/Firewall (under services). Complete the request, including “Windows VPN Access for Student” in the short description and a reason for requesting the service in the Description field. Presently the service is only intended for students working in foreign countries that cannot access College resources because of configured security measures. Staff users with CCC issued Windows machines should already have Microsoft’s client-less VPN service (Direct Access) provisioned and DO NOT need to request this service. is the location we will use to download the application

Windows users would choose the 64-bit option for Windows 10 operating systems

The FQDN we use is:

Using the Global Connect VPN client for Windows is the FQDN we should use

