Create a new webpage

What is this?

Have you identified a need for a new page on either the public college website or on internal webpages (portal/intranet)? Our team will work with you to determine the needs, devise solutions and create new webpages as needed.

Who is eligible to use this?

Clackamas Community College Staff, faculty and ASG members

How do I use this?

Tell us as much as you can about the purpose of the page and the context for your request. An in-person meeting is often required to follow up on new webpage requests. You can use the ticket form to suggest a meeting time that will work with your schedule and a member of our team will follow up with a calendar invite.

How much does this cost?

There is no cost associated with this request. Costs are accrued if final products are submitted for printing through Duplications. 

Submit a ticket

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