Getting Started
Using the PC
Using the Document Camera
Using with a laptop
Finishing Up
Additional Troubleshooting
1. The switcher should always be powered on, as it does not have a traditional on/off button. Make sure there is at least a light on one of the buttons
2. Turn on the projector by pressing the power button on the projector remote. You may need to press it a couple of times or stand closer to the projector to make it come on
1. Turn on the computer system by pressing the power button. Make sure that the light comes on
2. Ensure the monitor is on. The power button may not look like this but is still usually located in the bottom right corner of the monitor
3. To project the computer screen and projector, press the PC input button on the switcher
4. Click on the screen to bring up the login page. You may need to click on "Other User" in the bottom left corner. Enter your CCC username and password. Your username is your college email address without the part
1. Turn on the document camera by pressing the power button. Place a document under the camera. Make sure that the power LED is on.
2. To project from the document camera, press the DC input button on the switcher
1. Plug in the laptop into either the HDMI or the VGA/AUX cord bundle.
2. Push the HDMI button on the switcher if you plugged in the HDMI cord into the laptop. Push the VGA button on the switcher if you plugged in the VGA and AUX cords into the laptop.
1. Power off computer by clicking “shut down” from start menu and turn off monitor(s)
2. Power off projector by hitting standby button two times
Projector saying "no signal" or not showing what the podium screen is showing
In often cases. the projector accidentally gets set to the wrong input. On the remote for the projector, press the HDBaseT button.
Some classroom projector remotes do not have this button. Instead, you will need to press the DigitalLink button.

Cannot switch inputs on the switcher
In more rare cases, the switcher will not switch between the different inputs. If you see a red button on the far right, then that means the switcher got locked. Press and hold the red button for 5 seconds or more to unlock the switcher.