Setup Email on my phone

Setting Up Outlook Email on iPhone:

  1. Download Outlook: First, ensure you have the Outlook app installed on your iPhone. If not, you can download it from the App Store.

  2. Open Outlook: Launch the Outlook app.

  3. Get Started: If this is your first time using Outlook, tap “Get Started”. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  4. Add Email Account:

    • Open the Menu (usually represented by three horizontal lines) in the top left corner.
    • Go to Settings > Add Account > Add Email Account.
  5. Follow the Prompts: Enter your email address and password, and follow the prompts to complete the setup.

  6. Multiple Accounts: To add additional email accounts, tap your account menu in the top left corner of the Outlook app. Select the blue plus sign to add another account. You can easily switch between multiple accounts by tapping the account icon.

Setting Up Outlook Email on Android:

  1. Install Outlook App: Download the Outlook for Android app from the Google Play Store.

  2. Open the App: Launch the Outlook app.

  3. Get Started: If this is your first time using Outlook, tap “Get Started”. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  4. Add Email Account:

    • Open the Menu (usually represented by three horizontal lines) within the app.
    • Go to Settings > Add Account > Add Email Account.
  5. Follow the Prompts: Enter your email address and password, and follow the prompts to complete the setup.

  6. Switch Between Accounts: Once you have multiple accounts added, you can easily switch between them by tapping the account icon.


Article ID: 158092
Wed 3/27/24 1:05 PM
Wed 3/27/24 1:05 PM