New or Alternative Software Proposal Request

Tags software

What is it?

This is where faculty and staff can propose new or alternative software that they think should be considered for campus use. “Alternative” software refers to a tool with similar functionality to something that exists in the software catalog. Faculty and staff may wish to make recommendations to pursue alternative software because of unique advantages to a different tool, because of significant cost savings available through State/professional organizations, evolving needs among students or the field, or other reasons. Please use the "Software Proposal Form" button on the right to submit a proposal.

All proposals will be considered by the Teaching Technology Work Group (a subcommittee of Educational Resources & Student Technology); this work group meets once per term. All requests will be vetted using criteria described in this rubric. Requestors will be contacted after the work group meets to consider requests and to share results.

For a list of currently supported software on campus, click here.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty, staff

Software Proposal Form

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