Network device disconnection FAQs

If your network device was removed from a CCC network due to malicious activity and you aren't sure what to do, please check these FAQs to see if they may answer your question.

Q: Why was my device removed from Wi-Fi?

A: Devices are removed for violation of Acceptable Use policies and the most typical reasons are:

  • your device that was communicating with entities that are known to be malicious
  • your device was detected sending traffic that indicates a presence of malicious software
  • your device was operating in a fashion that was denying access to other network users

Typically, this means that your device is infected with some sort of malicious software and we have removed your device from our Wi-Fi networks to prevent malicious software from spreading to other systems connected to the network.

Q: I believe that I was removed from WiFi but I didn’t receive notification

A: An email is sent to the CCC email of record for the account used to connect the device to CCC’s Wi-Fi network. Connecting to the public network doesn’t require an account to connect thus there is no account to notify when a device is disconnected from the public Wi-Fi. If you were disconnected from the staff or student network, please contact the Service Desk to verify that the email of record is accurate.

Q: How can I find out if my device was disconnected if I didn’t get notified?

A: Please contact the Service Desk who can assist you. You can expedite this process by providing the Media Access Control (MAC) Address of the wireless device you suspect of being removed from the network.

Q: How do I regain access to CCC's network?

A: If you wish to regain access to the wireless network please have this device scanned and remediated using a reputable anti-virus/anti-malware tool [i.e. ESET, TrendMicro, Malwarebytes] and then contact our Service Desk at 503-594-3500 or to request lifting of the device ban. Requests may take up to 72 hours to process.

Q: I need to take a test, and I've been disconnected from the network. How can I get network access sooner than 72 hours?

A: If you require immediate network access, please use one of the computer labs across the campus. Dye Learning Center or Streeter have computer labs available for use.

Q: What is the Media Access Control Address (MAC) and where can I find it?

A: The Media Access Control Address is a unique identifier for network devices. The location of the MAC address will vary based upon the type of device being used and the version of the software running on the device. Some common examples are shown below:



How to retrieve a MAC Address from a Windows device

How to retrieve a MAC Address from a Android device

How to retrieve a MAC Address from an Apple device

Q: I can’t figure this out, can someone help me?

A: College staff are prohibited from providing direct support for devices that are not owned by the college. The technology tutors available in the Academic Learning Lab (Dye Learning Center room 130) can provide assistance and recommendations. 

Q: What will happen if I don’t contact the Service Desk about this issue?

A: The removed device will be blocked from connecting to CCC’s Wi-Fi networks. You will still be able to access your classes and the public portions of CCC’s website and student portal if you are connected to the internet using a cellular connection or Wi-Fi from another location. If the action(s) resulting in the device’s removal were deemed intentional the responsible party may be subjected to disciplinary measures in accordance with Student Handbook procedures or applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.


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