Campus Services

Campus Services assists with work requests that range from custodial issues to remodel projects. We assist with learning space design, furniture, interior and exterior renovations and enhancements, campus infrastructure maintenance and landscape maintenance.

Services (15)

Building Maintenance

Services provided by Building Maintenance may include items such as plumbing, installations, painting, repairs, outdoor trash clean-up, graffiti removal, and parking lot/sidewalk maintenance.

Covid-19 Supplies

Requesting Covid-19 Supplies


Custodial service requests include sanitation issues/requests for bathrooms, interior garbage/recycling, carpet cleaning and vacuuming, as well as windows.

Door Locks - Repair

This Service Area is for the REPAIR of keys/locks for doors, cabinets, lockers and file cabinets.


The plant service requests are related to electrical, lighting, elevators, and temperature control.

Environmental Health & Safety

Support services from Environmental Health & Safety includes all safety related concerns, staff training, hazardous chemical response and spill clean-up, first aid supplies, and regulatory compliance.


Furniture requests include: Space planning, surplus furniture orders, and new furniture purchases.


Grounds maintenance supports the landscape and irrigation including fallen trees, plugged storm drains and fountains.

Key Request

For requesting new or replacement keys.

Office Moves

For requesting office relocations and moves.

Pest Management

This service area includes requests for pest management for example ants, bees and vermin.

Shipping & Receiving

This services includes shipping/receiving of packages as well as requesting items from the warehouse.


To request new or updates to existing signage. Event signage requests need to be initiated through CRM.

Vehicle Maintenance Request

Vehicle Maintenance Request

Request for Paper/Envelopes/General CCC Mailing Labels

New TDX version of Request for Paper/Envelopes/General CCC Mailing Labels